AUSCRS Presentation
I was honoured to be invited to speak at the annual meeting of the Australian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (AUSCRS). This meeting is always a highlight on my calendar, not only as it is a get together of some of the greatest cataract and refractive surgery thinkers around, but also because it is such a fun meeting. A lot of academic meetings can be a bit dry, full of ceremony but light on content. AUSCRS is the complete opposite, with speakers being grilled on stage to defend their practices, rugged discussions where there is no holding back, and back when we could meet in person, we were dressed up in costumes for each session. This was a real ice breaker where it put everyone on a level playing field as it is hard to be overly formal in a Halloween costume.
This year, AUSCRS was online and the format was simplified to be a group of invited speakers. My topic was to present a challenging case. I presented a case where I had implanted a trifocal toric intraocular lens and had a spontaneous posterior capsule rupture at time of insertion. I discussed potential management strategies. This patient did well and continued to see 6/6 and be able to read without glasses. We learn a lot from challenging cases. Probably even more than we do from straight forward operations. I added a bit of AUSCRS fun to my presentation and will upload it to YouTube in the coming days so that you can see what I mean. I hope you enjoy watching the presentation and hopefully I’ll get to give a proper in person presentation at AUSCRS in 2022.